Sunday, June 5, 2016

A Movie Review. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) is out to manipulate Superman (Henry Cavill) and Batman (Ben Affleck) into getting into a battle to the death with each other. Batman needs no encouragement. During Superman's battle with General Zod in Metropolis, a significant number of Wayne employees died in a Metropolis office building. Superman needs the encouragement. Yes, he has issues with Batman's vigilante justice, but he doesn't have a desire to kill Batman.

Yet, Luthor's manipulation includes the kidnapping someone close to Superman. Even then, Superman has no desire to fight Batman. Instead he's hoping to convince Batman to join forces with him to go up against Lex Luthor; however, Batman has no desire to negotiate. One would think that Superman could easily defeat Batman; however, Batman has gotten a hold of kryptonite -- stolen from Lex Luthor.

Joining in all of this is Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) who when first introduced almost reminds you of Cat Woman. Of course, as the movie reaches it conclusion, you get to see the true power of Wonder Woman.  

I'm honestly not even sure if this movie is interesting. I might have to watch it again to re-judge it. One issue is that the movie just starts out slow. It starts like a re-boot with a brief introduction of how Bruce Wayne became Batman and then does a quick review of what occurred in Man of Steel. Now the review of Man of Steel was needed as it highlighted the reasoning behind Batman's hatred of Superman. On the other hand, I think for those who have watched Gotham on TV, Gotham does the introduction of Bruce Wayne in such a better manner that it makes this introduction look weak by comparison.

My other problem is that in previous movies you find yourself cheering for both Batman and Superman. In this movie, Batman is just plain wrong. He jumps to conclusions without a willingness to discuss. He can't even see that even with the deaths around Metropolis that Superman saved the world from becoming slaves to General Zod. He is filled with vengeance without a sense of morals. You just find yourself screaming, "I hope Batman dies."

As for the scheming of Lex Luthor, I started to get confused on what exactly he was trying to do. Sure, you know his goal is to become Mr. Evil, but why? What is he doing? Does he have a coherent plan?

This is definitely a movie to watch at home or a dollar theater like I did.

Funny moment: during the previews a little girl gave commentary on a couple of trailers. "I want to see that." "That movie looks awesome." Everyone in the theater were laughing.

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