Friday, February 19, 2016

A Movie Review: Deadpool

Deadpool. Okay, I'm not totally buying into the hype around this movie. Wade/Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) is a mercenary. In a mercenary filled bar, he is approached by a prostitute named Vanessa (Morena Baccarin). They come to an agreement, but then end up falling madly in love with each other. Wade is then diagnosed with cancer. It appears this love story is about to end, but then he is approached regarding a secret medical program. He is not only promised a cure, but is told he'll be given special powers. He ignores the offer initially, but eventually agrees.

He is then injected with a serum and tortured by Ajax (Ed Skrein) and Angel Dust (Gina Carano). It takes awhile, but eventually his powers manifest -- he power, he doesn't die. There is a problem: his cells transform his body into a horribly disfigured person. Well, this doesn't sit well with him and so he attacks Ajax. With the medical facility burning around them, Ajax puts him down. Not knowing the powers that Deadpool now possesses, Ajax leaves him to burn to death.

When Deadpool resurrects, he goes out for revenge. Two X-Men, Colossus (Stefan Kapicic) and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand), initially interfere with his desire for revenge, but then eventually join him.

Why am I not totally buying the hype? Okay, I found the dialogue rather witty, which is my big plus. My problem -- and I know this is in the comic books -- but how often in a movie does the man need to save a beautiful woman from a life of prostitution? Also, to me, the strip joint scene just felt wrong. You have Vanessa who appears to have moved away from prostitution while with Wade, but then somewhat returns to that lifestyle.

This movie is definitely a different take on a comic book character, but I just can't totally get behind it.

Note: I wonder if they director/studio/producer ever thought about eliminating the scene where a guy goes flying into a freeway overhead direction sign? Just wondering as back in October 2015, there was an accident in Los Angeles/Glendale where a person was ejected from his car and ended up on a overhead sign.

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