Monday, March 12, 2012

Saying good-bye to Alcatraz (television show)

Okay, I was looking forward to Alcatraz., but I have now removed it from my DVR automatic record list. There is just something that bugs me about the show. It isn’t the fact that both inmates and guards somehow disappeared in the 1960s. That is an intriguing concept for a television series – especially when the person developing the series is J. J. Abrams of Lost fame.

No, what’s got under my skin is the fact that there appears to be mass murders going on in San Francisco and there is no indication that the press is all over it. Now I admit that I don’t watch procedural shows, but I suspect that there are occasionally journalists who want to know what is going on with the various gruesome murders. How can you have sniper attacks, a poisoned pool where it looked like five or more swimmers died, landmines and a beheading happen all within a short time frame and journalists not asking what in the world is happening in San Francisco. And not to be class focused, but the swimmers and the guy who got beheaded were all wealthy individuals. At a minimum, you’d think when the 1% die in mass that at a minimum the 1% would start to get very concerned.

And I also don’t think the mystery of Alcatraz is being explored all that well. Seriously, in the last episode, the big takeaway about the 1960s Alcatraz was that the warden was a greedy SOB and apparently secured bars of gold that were hidden/lost/forgotten in the tunnels. Please.

And so with that said, I have one less show to watch for the rest of this television season.

P.S.  I do reserve the right to watch the season finally, which looks like it'll happen the last Monday of March.

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