Friday, March 16, 2012

A Book Review: The Scarecrow by Michael Connelly

The Scarecrow by Michael Connelly. Jack McEvoy is getting laid off from the LA Times. He's a crime reporter and decides to go out with a bang. He starts to investigate a murder of a stripper. Working with his younger replacement, Angela Cook, he starts to follow leads. He soon hooks up with FBI Agent Rachel Walling as they track down a serial killer.

Interestingly, this book mentions The Poet a number of times.  I've read a number of Michael Connelly's books, but I don't believe I've ever read The Poet though I did read The Narrows.

Over-all, a nice quick read though I left just a bit disappointed.  There is a scene with Jack McEvoy in a hotel which just seemed way over the top.  I was into the book and then that scene hit and it kind of took me out of it.   I would rank this as one of the weaker Michael Connelly books -- though obviously it won't prevent me from reading another of his books in the future.

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