Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Movie Review: Warhorse

Warhorse. I enjoyed this movie that follows a warhorse named Joey through the years prior and during World War I. It so moved one woman that was next to me that she was sobbing during the end. I wasn’t, but that doesn’t mean the movie didn’t move me. I did have problems with this movie. First, I felt the ending was too sentimental. Second, I felt this movie was set up like a high school history book: this is how life in Europe was before the war, this is how the war impacted the Germans, this is how the war impacted the non-combatants, this is how the war impacted the British. In fact, this is probably a wonderful movie to show in a high school history class. I know, I’m slamming the movie for being too sentimental and not being deep enough, but I say this movie is entertaining enough to recommend though probably not a picture that should get a Best Picture nomination.

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