Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Movie Review: The Tourist

The Tourist A movie I saw while on an airplane. The caveat associated with this review is that I was watching on a small screen and probably missed 20% of the dialogue.

We have agents watching Elise Clifton-Ward (Angelina Jolie). We learn soon enough that these agents are tracking her in hopes that she leads them to her lover – an individual who stole billions from mobsters. She is tipped off by her lover to meet him in Venice and to attach herself to a random male who has similar characteristics as him. This happens to be Frank Tupelo (Johnny Depp).

This isn’t some action packed movie and you have to know that going in. It is a movie that takes its time with the story. Did it deserve a Golden Globe nomination? No. The twist at the end is totally crazy. Angelina and Johnny seem not to be totally into the movie – of course, it could just be how they decided to act it out as they keep this laissez-faire attitude throughout the movie. Is it worth watching? If you’re on a plane, yes. Not great, not horrid.

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