Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Movie Review: Hangover 2

Hangover 2. Are there laughs in this movie? Yes. Is this essentially a repeat of the original? Yes. Does it matter that it is the same storyline? Yes and no.

The gang is back and this time Stu (Ed Helms) is getting married – again. Though not explained in full, his marriage to the Vegas prostitute ended quickly enough. His new bride is from Thailand so off to Thailand they go for the wedding. Though no one really wants Alan (Zach Galifianakis) along as they are all leery after he drugged them the first time around, arms are twisted and he is allowed to come. Well, the drugging happens again and this time it happens in Bangkok.

My one big problem with this movie is Teddy (Mason Lee) -- Stu’s future brother-in-law. He’s the one who goes missing in the movie. Considering what happens to him, when they do eventually find him he has a far more cheery outlook on his circumstances than I would think one would have.

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