Friday, January 2, 2009

Now Really, Toonerville Gang Graffiti

Sometimes I wonder if I’m seeing something different from what those in the “know” are saying is happening. Here’s an article in the Glendale News-Press (“Graffiti fueled by rivalry,” Veronica Rocha, 23 April 2009): NORTHWEST GLENDALE — Despite an injunction, Toonerville gang graffiti has increasingly been seen directed at a rival gang, officials said. Glendale Police Det. Rafael Quintero said the gang has not spray-painted any graffiti in the city in retaliation to the injunction, as most members are afraid of it. The graffiti has appeared on businesses and city property outside the Los Angeles River and Glendale Safety Zone and has been directed at a rival gang, he said. The zone is defined as a 4.5-square-mile area that includes Verdugo Road, south Glendale, the Glendale (2) Freeway, Glendale Boulevard into Los Angeles and a 1.25-square-mile area of Tujunga just north of Foothill Boulevard. City and police officials identified the areas as a zone because they were known as the Toonerville gang’s area. But some streets, including Emens Way, Justin Avenue and Flower Street — which is outside the zone — were hit in early April with the gang’s graffiti, according to police reports. The graffiti was spray-painted in an area that a rival gang claims, Quintero said.

My comments: Okay, Glendale Police Det. Rafael Quintero, do you really believe that statement you made: the gang has not spray-painted any graffiti in the city in retaliation to the injunction, as most members are afraid of it? I suppose this photo I took in Palmer Park was directed at a rival gang. I do believe the graffiti in this park took place soon after the announcement of the injunction. I didn’t do a follow up blog, but a few weeks after that photo was taken another rather large Toonerville tagging took place in the general area of Palmer Park. Hey Det. Rafael Quintero, I love that you’re trying to reduce crime associated with the Toonerville gang, but let’s not overly brag about the success of this injunction (in regards to graffiti reduction).

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