Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Echo: Cryogeyser with Lecx Stacy and Alms

It was a fun time at The Echo last Monday. Lecx Stacy opening it up. With a drummer backing him up, he leaped into a rap and electronic set that had him bouncing around the stage. His set got those in the audience ramped up as a mosh pit started up. 

Lecs Stacy

Alms came up next and changed the direction of the music towards rock. A four piece that had one remembering the alternative bands of the 80s / 90s. 


Cryogeyser is the resident band for the month of October. I saw the band previously at Non Plus Ultra a couple years ago. It was nice seeing them getting the residency at The Echo. There were some issues with monitors and such that caused some frustrations, but though the band might not have been able to hear themselves properly, it all worked out fine for those in the audience. 


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