Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Oyster Kids with ADLT VDEO and Smoke Season at the Echoplex

Smoke Season
First residency band I saw in October was Oyster Kids. ADLT VDEO opened up the night. From what I read, this band has been around for a year. I'm eager to see how they develop their sound. On this night, their music was so tender it made me want to take tender photos.

Oyster Kids came on at 10 p.m. This was an hour earlier than the standard 11 p.m. start time for residency bands. Not a bad thing, actually, for those who can't stay out late on a Monday night. What's their sound? I'll let the door guy explain as I overheard him state, "They sound like Silversun Pickup." Now that's high praise.

Smoke Season is a band I've followed for a number of years. In fact, I saw Gabrielle Wortman when she was in another band that she fronted. When they were setting up, her stand with her electronic devices began to tip over. She caught it before it crashed, which probably would have caused issues for the set. "Good catch," I couldn't help but think.

The Echo October 2016

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