Saturday, July 25, 2015

A Movie Review: Trainwreck

Trainwreck. Amy (Amy Schumer) takes after her father Gordon (Colin Quinn). Gordon previous couldn't stay committed to his wife (Amy's mother), cheating on her multiple times. They eventually divorced. Now Amy is off playing the field, sleeping with men she meets while out on the town. She isn't married, but has a semi-steady boyfriend in Steven (John Cena) who isn't aware that she doesn't consider their relationship monogamous.

Amy is a writer at a men's magazine. She is assigned to cover a sports surgeon named Adam (Bill Hader). They go out for drinks one night and, of course, Amy decides she's going to hook up with him. Instead of this being a one night stand, they actually start moving towards a serious relationship,which causes internal consternation for Amy.

There are some really funny moments in this movie. The LeBron James plays an important role in this movie and though he's not an Oscar winning actor, his scenes are hysterical. I really loved the scene where Adam and LeBron are off playing one-on-one basketball. (And there are some really key financial lessons addressed in this movie for fellow athletes.) When Amy is interacting with her sibling Kim (Brie Larson), who happens to have gone the total opposite direction of her father, or father the interactions are often funny -- there are some serious moments, as well.

My one problem with giving this a total thumbs up (just a mild one) is that I just didn't buy the relationship between Amy and Adam. From the very first night, it just felt to me that Amy was uncomfortable. Her sudden feelings of loss when Adam pulls away just didn't feel real. Also, in the long run, I think Adam was way too needy for someone like Amy who even in a real relationship probably would want a level of independence.

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