Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A Book Review: The Black Box by Michael Connelly

The Black Box. Michael Connelly equals the quick summer read. In this book, Detective Harry Bosch comes across a murder in 1992. A Danish photo-journalist is found shot dead during the 1992 Los Angeles riots. There isn't enough time to investigate the murder and anyways the case is passed on to another detective.

Twenty years later Bosch has a chance to re-look at the case, which was known as the Snow White murder. Tracing leads based on a gun that was used in other murders, Bosch zeroes in on a potential suspect(s). Due to political reasons (Bosch apparently is the only detective making progress on murders that took place during the riots and since his victim is white there are concerns about how it will be perceived), his superiors attempt to slow down his investigation. Bosch refuses to slow down his investigation, which results in his superiors taking things up a notch.

The thing about Michael Connelly books is that it isn't a mystery about who the criminal(s) is. Bosch is a detective and you get to follow all the clues that he uncovers. You get to zero in on the criminal in real time with Bosch. I enjoyed this book though I will say I could have done without the whole final sequence, which honestly felt like it was written for a potential movie.

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