Monday, September 1, 2014

Wisappear and James Alan at Bootleg HiFi

It was a bit strange being inside a local music venue without my camera, but that was how it went down. That didn't mean I couldn't enjoy some music.

Wisappear has that Echo Park/Silver Lake vibe with a touch of the occasional Led Zeppelin.  Sometimes they put on a stage show.  Sometimes they just let their music speak on its own.

James Alan. He has a Moses Sumney vibe to him. He did mention towards the end of his set that he is friends with Moses Sumney.

Comment of the set (James Alan):  I play a lot to myself in front of the mirror.  That does funny things to your head.

Story of the set (James Alan):  He was in Italy on vacation.  He decided to randomly play his guitar (a guitar he bought in Italy) late one night outdoors.  A woman plopped herself next to him, which he found strange since there weren't a lot of people outside at that time of night.  He started to play one of his songs and she suddenly started to sing along with him.  She had lived in Italy for 3 months (I'm assuming she arrived from Los Angeles though James didn't go into details).  What are the chances of someone knowing one of his songs in Italy and that person sitting next to him late one night.

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