Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A strange dream

I had a dream that sort of stuck with me:

In my dream I was driving by this corner building. (This is a real building in my neighborhood that used to be a home video store.) I noticed that the building was now occupied by a bookstore. I decided to check it out. I parked my car and walked in. It was no longer a bookstore. It was now a boutique store, a day care center and an art house movie theatre. I decided to watch the movie that was being shown. The theatre only had a handful of seats. I took one in the front row. I figured that this would be too close to the screen, but I was surprised to see that there was an extra 20 yards between my seat and the movie screen. Being an art house movie theatre, it also wasn't one of those mega-screens. After the movie ended, I found myself discussing the movie industry with some people I'd met. Somehow early morning arrived and I walked out to my car. I read the street signs that said that all cars needed to be moved out of the area by 6 a.m. My problem was that I'd somehow parked two cars in the area and it wasn't possible to move both cars out of the area by 6 a.m.

I then woke up. The dream wasn't extremely dramatic, but for some reason I remember it.

Notes from Vivace

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