Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises. Bruce Wayne/Batman (Christian Bale) is damaged both emotionally and physically. With a relatively peaceful Gotham, Batman is allowed to go into seclusion – also aided by the fact that he is accused of murder. This seclusion lasts for a number of years, but evil arises in the form of Bane (Tom Hardy), a muscle man with a desire to destroy Gotham. This is an enjoyable film – helped along by the most beautiful Anne Hathaway. It runs about 2 hours and 45 minutes so make sure you hit the bathroom first, but it didn’t feel like a long movie.

Though I loved The Dark Knight and actually believe it to be the superior movie, I felt it had too my climatic moments. This movie just builds and builds until the end. The reason I feel The Dark Knight is a better movie isn’t so much because it is the Joker vs. Bane. I felt that this current movie just has too many holes in it. Now the following might be considered spoilers; so be warned . . . 1. We learn that Bane destroys Bruce Wayne’s fortune by making fraudulent futures contracts. Why wouldn’t Bruce Wayne go after his money? I know that perhaps money isn’t his main concern and Fox (Morgan Freeman) does make brief mention that the money can probably be returned, but Bruce Wayne seems to just wave him off. So maybe he isn’t concerned about money, but there is another side to the trade and he probably just made Bane a very rich man. 2. I think the timeline simply doesn’t work well. The best example being Wayne’s injured back. Admittedly, “24” had the same timing problems and “24” – excluding a couple seasons – was one of the best action series in TV history, but it still irked.

Is this one of the better summer popcorn movies? Yes, but I just feel a little bit more care to the details was needed.

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