Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Movie Review: Brave

Brave. Okay, first off, Stonehenge is in England not Scotland.  That is only one example of the issues I had with this movie.  A second issue was that the accents were so "authentic" (I'm putting that in air quotes as Scots might disagree, who knows) that I actually had a hard time understanding what was being said on occasion.

The basic story is that Merida (voiced by Kelly Macdonald) is a red headed princess who has a tomboy attitude towards life.  Her father Fergus (voiced by Billy Connolly) is the chosen king of the four clans.  The queen is Elinor (voiced by Emma Thompson).  The queen is a traditionalist (in terms of the role of women) and wants Merida to act like a lady.  Her father is more accepting of Merida's desires, but defers to his wife.

A day arrives that destroys the family.  The three clans are sending suitors for Merida's hand.  Well, she'll have none of it.  Merida is so upset that with the help of a witch, she casts an evil spell on her mother.

Maybe I'm just getting old and can't take cartoons anymore, but the movie just didn't do it for me.  And then when Merida goes to her mother and says something like, "You were always there for me," I almost gagged.  The mother wasn't evil or anything like that but I'd hardly call her someone who was always there for Merida.  Maybe the mother was there in terms of always wanting to squash Merida's dreams.

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