Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Harvard & Stone: Ariel Beesley with Suzie Chism and Repenter

It was off to Harvard and Stone and a Softer Sex Production night.

Playing first on the night was Suzie Chism. Her comment of the set basically described her music, "I'm playing rock like GnR in a dress."

Suzie Chism

Repenter's lead singer, Holly, could be seen pacing in front of the stage as her band set up. When they did hit the stage, she dug deep for her vocals, proving that power resides in an emotional delivery.


Ariel Beesley closed out the night. She has quickly become one of my favorites. As her fellow fans sang along to her music, she couldn't help but say, "WTF, how do you even know the words to my songs?"

Ariel Beesley

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