Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Bootleg Theater: Rounds with Anna Vogelzang

Bootleg Theater earlier in the year did a residency featuring Jamie Drake doing a rounds music setting. They must have liked the results of that residency, because they handed off similar duties for June's residency to Anna Vogelzang. It was mentioned that she has writing/music sessions at her house. She hosts those sessions with Adam Levy.

The rounds were split into three sections of artists. Fay Wolf and Ben Jaffe (of Honey Honey fame) took part in the first section.

Dan Sheron (Balto), Peter Harper (Motor Sales) and Sydney Wayser (CLARA-NOVA) played the second section.

And the night closed out with Sofia Wolfson and Rett Madison.

A handful of them played songs they'd written that day or within a couple days or so. I believe it was based on how Anna and Adam set up the rules of their hosted writing sessions. Sydney Wayser mentioned that one of her songs was a CLARA-NOVA song, but was being played and sung the way it was meant to be heard before it got transformed to align with the CLARA-NOVA sound and style. Ben Jaffe sang a couple songs based on a fictional individual. A very wonderful evening.

Anna Vogelzang

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