Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A Hi Hat Night: A Recent Thursday Night

It was a free night at The Hi Hat where I got to catch Allah Las, Peach Kelli PopFenster and Swearing at Motorists.

The night started off with Swearing at Motorists. I'd say this set was part comedy and part exaggerated music. As for the comedy part, at one point he pointed out fans like Ted Danson and Tony Danza.

Swearing at Motorists

Fenster came in from Berlin, Germany. They gave us some German minimalism funk. And their comment of the night, "Should we make a music video with all of you? Who's famous on Twitter?" And someone replied, "I have 500 Instagram followers!"

This was my second time seeing Peach Kelli Pop and their rapid fire music. That sound had a mosh pit going at The Hi Hat. What did I notice: this band cleared off the stage in 5 minutes.

Peach Kelli Pop
Final band up was Allah Las. This was my third time seeing them. I've had one long history with this band that provides you with a sound of drug induced haze. I've seen this band at two music festivals back in the 2011/2012 time frame - Eagle Rock Music Festival/Silverlake Jubilee.

Allah Las
It was a rainy night, but it didn't prevent folks from lining up and waiting in the rain.

One not so good thing about the night: there were a couple drunk hecklers, but the bands dealt with them in style.

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