Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Movie Review: His Girl Friday

His Girl Friday. Walter Burns (Cary Grant) and Hildy Johnson (Rosalind Russell) are divorced. They were former newspaper colleagues with Walter Burns being the editor and Hildy Johnson being one of his top journalists. Hildy returns to the newsroom to inform Water that she’s getting married to Bruce Baldwin (Ralph Bellamy). It takes a while for Hildy to inform Walter of her pending marriage, because Walter is one of those types who just can’t stop talking. Once Hildy tells him this fact, he tries everything in his power to get Hildy back. Everything goes crazy when a police killer escapes from prison.

This is a fun movie to watch with some spit-fire dialogue that you better listen to carefully so that you can laugh along with the cast.

Speculation:  I can't help but believe that the reason Walter and Hildy got divorced in the first place was because Walter would never let Hildy say anything.

One of the best gems I uncovered while watching the movie was when Walter has a brief conversation with someone about Bruce Baldwin, “He looks like that actor . . . Ralph Bellamy,” who is to the actor playing Bruce.

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