Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Movie Review: Zardoz

Zardoz. I'm on this trip of seeing old movies and saw this movie was playing on TCM.  I'm like, Sean Connery, why not?  Apparently, this movie ranks as a cult classic, which means that someone like me is unlikely to find it interesting.  And so it was.

Zardoz is set in the future where society is separated into two:  those who are immortal and those who are not.  The immortals live in an area that is protected by a force field and have an idyllic life.  You might think they'd be happy, but are far from it.  The mortals are outside of this force field and deal with a society that has no structure so murder and mayhem prevail.

Sean Connery's character, Zed, is an mortal, but he finds his way into the area that protects the immortals.  He figures out a way to bring them down, which of course most of them welcome as they've become bored with life.

I was so bored with this movie that I'm surprised I actually watched the whole thing.  It feels like the actors are just bored being in this movie, but perhaps that was the point of the movie -- eternal life brings boredom.  And, I have to admit, I'm not sure I even understood what was going on in the movie:  which might have resulted from the fact that I only managed to get through this movie by breaking it up into three sections, watched over three days.

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