Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Movie Review: Looper

Looper. An interesting movie about time travel. In the future, all humanity apparently are tagged so it is difficult to just kill someone and then bury them. The mob obviously wants to dump bodies without the bodies being found. The fact that there is an ability to time travel helps out with this problem. Folks in the future that the mob wants to dump are sent to the past where a Looper does the killing. A new mob boss comes to power and decides he wants to start things fresh and so he starts to kill off all the Loopers in the future by sending them to the present and having their younger selves kill off the old selves, which means the Looper in the past has only about 30 years to live. Well, one Looper in the past escapes from his younger self and so the chase is on.

It is an intriguing storyline. Yes, there are questions the pop up, but it is a well thought out concept and therefore makes for an enjoyable movie experience.

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