Monday, January 6, 2020

The Hi Hat: Momma and Gal Pal

For my last outing for 2019, I took off to The Hi Hat where I caught Gal Pal and Momma. I was actually under the weather (still under the weather while writing this), but I was bored with sticking around my apartment.

I stuck around for two of the bands on the bill.

First up was Gal Pal, which I previously caught at Non Plus Ultra opening up for Kevin. I love how this band switches up instruments. And they ended the set with their drummer playing out in the audience, similar to what was done at Non Plus Ultra. It was a thrilling way to close the set.

Gal Pal

Momma was a band I hadn't seen before. Their music has a garage rock/pop sound. Those vocals are silky smooth. Moment of the set was when the lead singer admitted that she hung out that day to catch two Tiktok influencers. She found herself surrounded by 13 year olds.


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