Monday, February 25, 2019

The Hi Hat: Jesse Jo Stark with Kate Clover and Minke

It was a solid line-up at The Hi Hat. Kate Clover opened things up. She's been off working new music outside of her band ExSage. You could tell she was having fun on stage. Playing to the photographers. Tossing beer around. Talking to fans after the set.

Kate Clover

Minke tuned things in with some singer-songwriter songs. It took a couple songs before the sound guy was able to get things set up properly for her, but after he got the sound right, we all got to enjoy her magic.

Jesse Jo Stark (along with Kate Clover) is one of my favorite musicians out there. Her songs are filled with dynamic power. And I have to say, I love how her fingers move with the motion of her music.

Jesse Jo Stark

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