Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Kid Cadaver and Warbly Jets at Chinatown Moon Festival

Kid Cadvaer
This was my first time (and I guess only time) this summer of 2015 where I headed down to catch some music in Chinatown. Kid Cadaver's music will make you bounce with joy. Their music just has this happiness to it. Warbly Jets comes to Los Angeles via New York. Their tight pants and '70s style creates a tension in styles.

What did I notice: both drummers drive their respective bands with their flair. Kid Cadaver's drummer flings around, giving the music that bounce. Warbly Jets' drummer keeps a toothpick between his lips, a perfect symbol to the coolness of this band.

What did I notice 2: one of the guitarists for Warbly Jets kept heading back towards his amp. I thought for sure he was having problems, but it was actually the lead singer who finally had to deal with bad wires.

It was a great time to in Chinatown. I am happy I finally made it down.

Photo Gallery by QuickGallery.com

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