Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Bootleg Theater: Johanna Samuels with Sofia Wolfson and LIA

Sofia Wolfson opened the night with songs about love and breakups.

Quote of the night 1: This is a song about when you breakup with someone and you think you're over it until you see them do something on social media.

Quote of the night 2: This is a song about how men suck. (Of course, this was said with the backdrop of an all male backing band.)

Sofia Wolfson
LIA came on next with a sound that at times reminded me of Alanis Morissette. There was one moment that thrilled her. Before one song, she started waving her arms back and forth above her head. The audience followed along and after the song she yelled out, "F*ck yeah, crowd participation. I was kind of just kidding."

Johanna Samuels was in her second residency night. And this was actually my second time seeing her. Her set had a tender side to it. And a whole lot of giggling between songs.

Johanna Samuels

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