Sunday, December 28, 2014

A Movie Review: The Internship

The Internship. Billy (Vince Vaughn) and Nick (Owen Wilson) are salesmen. They sell watches. Unfortunately, their boss decides to shut down the business and head into retirement. Nick takes a job selling beds, but is convinced by Billy to go for an internship at Google. Somehow they make it through the interview round and get a spot at Google for the summer. The problem is that Google divides their interns into teams and only gives offers to one team.  Billy and Nick are left with a group of individuals who aren't necessarily seen as the brightest interns -- though this is obviously a relative term considering the folks on the team are indeed very smart.  So it is quickly looking like Billy and Nick have found themselves a nice summer job that won't go beyond the summer.

This is a pleasant enough comedy that provides a few laughs. There is one gag that goes too far; however.  Billy's lack of Internet knowledge is just too much.  Constantly hearing "on the line" instead of "online" and Billy not knowing that there is something out there called Instagram is a real head scratcher after awhile.  At some point, you just start thinking that he really doesn't deserve a job at Google.

Though I don't consider this a great comedy, it is an adequate one.  And it does achieve something that I think is rare in your average comedy:  it actually challenges the viewers to think a little bigger regarding their life goals.  That might sound strange from a Vince Vaughn/Owen Wilson movie, but this movie does make you wonder if you can't achieve something more in life.



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