Tuesday, December 24, 2019

South Lake Avenue to House of Machines: Trapdoor Social, The Letter Openers and Mean Heat

It was off on a double venue outing on a recent Saturday. First it was off to South Lake Avenue in Pasadena to catch Trapdoor Social. It was raining hard on the way to Pasadena, but once I got there, the rain was dying down. By the time Trapdoor Social hit the stage, the rain had stopped. It was great seeing Trapdoor Social for the first time since Echo Park Rising. And it didn't really matter if Skylar had a sprained ankle. He spent the set on the chair, but the music still shined through.

Trapdoor Social

A few hours later it was off to the House of Machines to catch The Letter Openers and Mean Heat. Perhaps over a decade has passed since I last saw The Letter Openers. There was a nice crew of Kiss or Kill folk in attendance to catch some rock and roll. Mean Heat told off their videographer, I'm assuming in jest. The set was filled with their lead singer showing her  body flexibility and emotional vocal delivery.

The Letter Openers

Mean Heat

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