Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Echo: YIP YOPS with Trapdoor Social, JR Slayer and Pet Fangs

Interestingly, I saw the YIP YOPS about one year prior at Chinatown Summer Nights. They had previously played Coachella. And now they were getting their residency night at The Echo. This band will have you thinking about the sounds that played on Los Angeles rock stations in the 1980s.

What did I notice: lead singer Ison is very energetic on stage. I knew this from seeing their set at Chinatown Summer Nights. Well, from the previous set the floor was left wet by a beer cup that had tipped over. He played a couple songs on the wet floor before someone finally came over with a towel. During those first few moments, my mind kept thinking, "No no no, sprained ankle is coming."


Trapdoor Social closed out the night. I have to say, I don't normally stay for the midnight band, but this was Trapdoor Social. The guys behind Sunstock Music Festival. Not only do they put on a great festival, but their music is melodically beautiful.

Trapdoor Social
JR Slayer and Pet Fangs opened up the night. JR Slayer gave us some good solid rock. Pet Fangs, being from Louisiana, gave us some southern influenced rock.

JR Slayer

Pet Fangs

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