Sunday, September 18, 2016

PAPA with Green Gerry and Maxim Ludwig at the Bootleg Theater

A great night of music hit the Bootleg Theater last Friday for PAPA's residency. Green Gerry started the night off with a shaker, mad style start and a shift of music that went from manic to slow beats and back to manic. There were some great quotes from Green Gerry. First, "Are the guys from PAPA here? No? That's awkward, we'll just have to do what we're good at." Second, "I picked a dumb f*cking name for my band, Green Gerry." There was also an offer of free coffee for anyone who showed up at his work at 8 a.m.

Maxim Ludwig is a band I've followed for years. I first saw Maxim Ludwig at Hotel Cafe. On this night, I was reminded of really cool '80s music. Comment of the set, "How are you guys doing? That's what I've asked at every show I've played at since I was fourteen." Maxim can slide across the floor like any top pop star.

PAPA must have made a mistake when they asked me to plug in some equipment. They had technical issues throughout their set. There were waves at friends asking for assistance. The friends weren't sure what was needed and so gave some shrugs. There was a lot of equipment changes, chord changes, sound guy coming in to help. Through all those technical glitches was one awesome show. Their sound in the four walls of the Bootleg just reverberated with brilliance.

PAPA in Sep 2016

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