Thursday, May 26, 2016

Feels with Susan and Fire Retarded at The Hi Hat

Too much time had passed since the last time I saw Feels. So when I noticed they had a show at The Hi Hat, off I went without a thought. They closed the night out to a packed room. Maybe too much time has passed since I last saw them, but I couldn't help but feel that their new bass player (well, I suppose that depends on how long you've been following Feels and Raw Geronimo) was far better integrated with the band versus the last time I saw them. She helps highlight the free flowing style of Feels as Laena now takes on the additional role of guitarist along with singing.

Opening for them were Susan and Fire Retarded. The three Susans have smiling harmonies as they hit the garage/surf rock sounds. Maybe it was the stage light impact, but I do believe they were all dressed in black. I said a brief hello and asked if any of them were named Susan. No, they just like folks named Susan. I guess that was a cliche question. Of course, I've always found that I love folks named Laura so naming your band after Susans you like isn't that strange.

Fire Retarded was in from Wisconsin. Their music and stage presence hit the crowd like a bullet. Their punk show held the attention of an appreciative audience. What did I notice: Their drummer had a boxing/MMA championship belt around his waist. And at the end of each song, the lead singer would jump in the air as if he was in wild celebration.

What a great night.

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