Saturday, August 8, 2015

A Movie Review: Heaven Can Wait (1943)

Heaven Can Wait. Henry Van Cleve (Don Ameche) has died. In the afterlife, he assumes based on his life that he's heading to Hell. At the Gates of Hell he meets with His Excellency (Laird Cregar). The two review his life story. Henry was one playboy. He even had a boyhood affair with the family French maid Mademoiselle (Signe Hasso). He settles down; however, when he falls for Martha (Gene Tierney). Even this life long love was clouded in scandal. His cousin Albert (Allyn Joslyn) was meant to marry Martha, but during a family gathering Henry convinces Martha to run away with him.

Perhaps the basic message of this movie is: you don't need to be perfect life. For me, I found the movie just ever so depressing. Here's a man who wasn't perfect, but definitely not a horrible person, looking back at his life and seeing it as a failure. Also, the love of his life dies way too soon and he is left with an empty feeling in his heart for the rest of his years. For me, it was all so depressing, because as you watch the movie you have to say he has totally misjudged his life.

One thing about the movie I found really interesting was how intent the Van Cleve family was to have their young adults marry others who were of their monetary status. Falling for showgirls or even young women from middle class backgrounds was totally unacceptable. Martha's family owned the largest meat packing company in America, which made her socially acceptable. As for the Van Cleve family, I'm  not sure what they did. I'm assuming they were bankers, but I don't believe it is directly referenced in the movie.

Yes, I found this movie depressing. Of course, the question is: did I enjoy it? I can't give it a thumbs up. My problem is that Don Ameche narrates the movie and I just found his voice rather monotone. Maybe that's a silly reason to dislike a movie and maybe he spoke that way as a sign of his resignation to his afterlife destiny. I just wanted more jazz there.  

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