Thursday, May 7, 2015

Golden Coast with Armors/Act As If at Bootleg HiFi

Golden Coast
A new month, which means excitement for a new group of Monday night residencies. Golden Coast is made up of Denny White and Steven Mudd. From what I read, they're from Colorado, but you'd swear their music is the sounds of Southern California summer nights. Well, I guess that means they made the right move in coming out to California. Along for the ride was a guitarist who took to her instrument like a jazz improvisational expert.

Armors. They're young. They're fun. They place their drummer right up front with the rest of the band, which I love. Actually, their drummer down triple duty: playing, singing, and speaking. At times, it sounded like he was eager to catch his breath for just a few seconds.

Act As If. I missed most of their set. That wasn't the intent. I just misjudged the start time. I loved their smooth sound. They take their time, allowing one to wrap themselves up in the embrace of their music.
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