Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Hearty Har/Banta at The Satellite

Hearty Har.  At times, this band reminded me of a Kiss or Kill Club band called The New Fidelity.  Hearty Har has a 60s/70s sound.  They do mix it up.  Sometimes hitting the psychedelic.  Other times, going with the folk.  You won't get bored as this band travels of gamut of music genres.

My amusing notice (or what I consider amusing):  So they have 2 guitarist and a bassist.  The 2 guitarist have large pedal boards.  I was half wondering if they used all the various pedals.  Then you have the bassist who had only two pedals.

Banta.  This band drives off the wonderful vocals of Sharaya Mikael.  Their music also creates this urge to dance -- not in a club style, but one where you're having fun with your friends out on the beach.

Notice:  They had a friend using an old school overhead light projector.  On the base, two glass plates were placed atop the base.  Different liquid colors were squirted into the two glasses, which made for some mood images across the stage wall.



Photo Gallery by QuickGallery.com

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