Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Club Moscow 7 year anniversary: Mr. Downstairs, Standing Shadows and Early States

Seven years for Club Moscow. Wow. I’ve probably been going there off and on since 2007 – I am positive my first time there was to catch The Mulhollands. Congrats to Club Moscow.

Being of a certain age (not under the age of 21), I feel old going to Club Moscow when I’m surrounded by 18 year olds (especially when I’m in line waiting to get inside). However, there is something unique about going to Club Moscow. In all honestly, I probably spend way too much of my Los Angeles music life hanging out east of Vermont Avenue. Club Moscow gives me a totally new perspective of the Los Angeles music scene. The music is always meant to make you want to dance.

As is the norm at Club Moscow, as I was walking in Early States was already one or two songs into their set. I think I caught only four songs, which just allowed enough time to pull out the camera and take a handful of shots versus really getting a feel for their music. Standing Shadows was up next. All you have to do is listen to the last song of their set, “Freak Show.” It’ll have you wanting to dance all night long. I actually came to catch Mr. Downstairs, a female duo with backup band. A fellow blogger, Picksysticks, suggested I check them out. This is a band that just didn’t want to quit and I’m happy they didn’t. One of the lead singers was feeling ill. To conserve her energy she was seen sitting on the stage before the beginning of their set.  It didn’t matter that she was sick as the other singer picked up the energy with her animated body motions.

Comment of the night (via Mr. Downstairs) while doing the sound check: Check Czechoslovakia.

Got to love musicians who remember that the Czech Republic and Slovakia used to be Czechoslovakia.

Early States

Standing Shadows

Mr. Downstairs

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