Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The One Mile Radius Project

So as is my occasional custom, I recently joined a friend in walking around a part of Hollywood. This time the walk took place around Hobart, Romain, Wilton and Marathon. (Click on map for a closer look.) This is a part of Hollywood that I usually drive right down the middle of via Western. So what did I see while walking the neighborhood?

So there is a park on Hobart and Lemon Grove, called Lemon Grove. I was caught by surprise that there was a park in this area. Of course, I never drive through the neighborhood -- other than on Western -- so I guess anything there would have caught me by surprise, but I guess honestly I just figured it was a bunch of apartment complexes.

Anyways, this is where we started our walk.

The Recreation Center.

The park looks really well kept.

My friend said that one of the complaints from the neighbors is that they put things out on the street to get picked up by the garbage company, but they seldom come by -- example being this tv set.

The neighborhood is probably lower-middle class -- though there is a nicer part in this area.

Here's the nicer part I was talking about. On the street of Marathon, we entered was is known as Melrose Hill. A historical district that is very well maintained.

And then we ended up back at the park.

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