Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dead Country and Toadies at the Troubadour

I caught Dead Country and
Toadies at the Troubadour. As has been the norm recently, this will be part of a column for so just pictures for now.

Dead Country


Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Rob Z Project and Pu$$y Cow at El Cid

A Rob Z night at El Cid. Pu$$y Cow had one of their better sets. They just seemed really energized that night. Maybe it had something to do with Joe, their lead singer, wearing shorts. He sure did work the stage. Or maybe it had to do with their name change, Pu$$y Bacon. Bacon was the theme of the night. Whatever the reason, I wanted more, not less.

Rob Z Lounge Project

Pu$$y Cow

Rob Z Lounge Project

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Teen Inc at Pershing Square

As has been true in a number of my recent music postings, this is another night that is heading over to an eventual article. Anyways, some photos of Teen Inc. at Pershing Square.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

A Movie Review: Cyrus

Cyrus. I really enjoyed this movie. There is a nice romance between John (John C. Reilly) and Molly (Marisa Tomei). I loved the awkward way that they ran into each other at a party and the instant connection you could see forming. I also loved the interaction between John and Cyrus (Jonah Hill). You knew almost immediately that Cyrus was out to chase John off, but that John hadn't figured it out yet. When he does, there is some great battle of the wits between the two. It was also nice to see John's ex-wife, Jamie, (Catherine Keener) still having a friendship with John.

My one issue with the movie is when John follows Molly home. Obviously, John is suspicious of Molly's behavior. On the other hand, I would think that if Molly was so private about her personal life that she would have had an irritated or even an angry response when she found John in her house versus her more pleasant response. Perhaps her real response and resolution was left on the editing floor.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Sweethead, Nico Vega and Scarlet Gray at Troubadour

I headed off to the Troubadour to catch Sweethead, Nico Vega and Scarlet Grey

I'll probably be doing an column so I'm just posting some photos.

Scarlet Grey

Nico Vega
