Saturday, January 9, 2010

I so wanted to give that car a key scratch

It was an early morning and I was driving inside a mall's parking structure, looking for a space to park. As I parked, I saw another parked car taking two parking spaces as well as nearly a third. The reason I say a third is because a lot of times when a driver wishes to protect his/her car from potential unintended damage from another individual's car door a driver will park on the separating line between two parking spots. For this specific situation, the driver parked at an angle and therefore nearly took a third parking spot, as well.

For some reason, the way the driver parked just got me irritated. First, it irritates me when a driver takes two spots anyways. Second, the way this driver parked got me even more irritated. And then, this car wasn't even some high end sports car. It was an old, run-down Nissan. For some reason, in my mind, I can somewhat see why someone driving a $100K car might want to protect it from paint damage. But for some old, run-down Nissan? In my mind, the driver of this car was just a big jerk -- not that those driving $100K cars aren't jerks, as well, but at least they have reason to want to protect something of value. I so wanted to key that car, but I just couldn't get myself to do it.

(Sometimes I wish I always carried a camera with me -- too bad I don't have an iPhone so that I can take some decent shots using a cell phone.)

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