Saturday, October 6, 2007

Do Not Accept the New Dollar

So I got one of those chain e-mails from a friend that goes like this:

U.S. Government to release new dollar coins. [Picture of the coin.] You guess it 'In God We Trust' IS GONE!!! If ever there was a reason to boycott something, THIS IS IT!!! DO NOT ACCEPT THE NEW DOLLAR COINS AS CHANGE. Together we can force them out of circulation. Please send to all on your mail list!!!

My friend's father had e-mailed this to her and added that this was a sign of the prophetic fulfillment in the apostasy of the United States.

I do consider myself a Christian, so I obviously do not wish to attack his faith, but I researched this on is a website dedicated to looking into mass e-mail chains to see if these chains are urban legends or not. This one is an urban legend. (I didn't have one of those dollars coins handy at the time so I couldn't just look at the coin itself.) The 'In God We Trust' is inscribed on the edge of the coin instead of on the face due to space restrictions on the face of the coin.

I haven't e-mailed her back, because I don't want her father to think I'm some jerk for attacking his beliefs that the Second Coming is near. I obviously also believe that Jesus will come back some day, but the supposed lack of 'In God We Trust' on the new dollar coins isn't a sign of His soon return.

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