A friend mentioned catching
Delta Rae at One Colorado in Pasadena. He mentioned that it was free. I went online and saw that they are from Durham, North Carolina. I was sold.
Durham, North Carolina means Duke University in my mind. Did they actually go to Duke? Well, a glance through their Facebook page mentions that they went to college in Durham, but it doesn't mention Duke. Of course, a quick google search does reveal via the
Duke Magazine that they did in fact go to Duke University. Perhaps it is best that they don't mention this fact as many a folk hate Duke University.
As for their outdoor set in Pasadena? A one hour set filled with folk/rock and power vocals along with dancing in high heels. The plaza was packed with appreciative fans.
Comment of the night: We did that on purpose for dramatic effect.
The above comment was made after the sound went out for a portion of a song.