Monday, May 25, 2020

WFNM Online: Ships Have Sailed, Trapdoor Social and Luke De-Sciscio

On a recently Wednesday night, I stopped by WFNM to catch Ships Have SailedTrapdoor Social, and Luke De-Sciscio.

It was three great sets to catch.

Luke De-Sciscio was playing at 3 a.m. from the UK. He was playing in his car with his girlfriend (?) doing the recording. He said something about how maybe he should be afraid about strange people walking around at 3 a.m., but that he was probably the strange person playing tunes in his car. Got to give it to him for being thoughtful about his neighbors and playing inside his car versus his apartment/home.

Luke De-Sciscio

Skylar from Trapdoor Social played next. The band seems to have a nice following of fans from South America. One would think that after this pandemic has passed that they should head to South America.

Trapdoor Social

Ships Have Sailed talked about supporting local businesses. He mentioned how he does take out from his favorite restaurants. I'll be honest that I've avoided my favorite restaurants due to fear of COVID-19. I've yet to read a study about people catching COVID-19 from takeout food so I'm probably going to be heading to some of my favorite spots as well in the next couple weeks to give some support there.

Ships Have Sailed

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