Thursday, April 9, 2020

McKail Seely Online

I happened to come across McKail Seely via six degrees of separation. I'm a fan of Lauren Ruth Ward who runs in the same circle as Ari Tibi. I then caught Ari Tibi at Hotel Cafe. Then I learned that Ari Tibi is in a band called Luci. I caught that band, which also includes McKail Seely. (I believe Ari may have left the band recently.)

While doing "stay at home" work, I happened to notice that McKail Seely was doing an Instragram Live set. I'd never actually seen her do a live set so I turned away from doing my work and tuned in to her live set. She was doing her live set from a bathroom. That was a unique set to see right there. It probably helped with the vocal acoustics.

A fun diversion from work.

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