Tuesday, July 18, 2017

DWNTWN with Bones (UK) and Hollis Brown at It's a School Night

So this was my first time at It's a School Night in years. I was heading off, because DWNTWN was having their record release party. Then at the last minute, I noticed there was another band added to the lineup. I did an initial look at the band and nothing came up. I did a deeper look and saw that the band also went by the name Bones. Wait, was this Bones (UK)? I first saw this band in December of last year. I hoped it was true. I headed over early and yep, it was Bones (UK) and they rocked it with energy. Yes. DWNTWN also killed it with their pop sounds. They opened up with one of their latest releases, Bloodshot Eyes. Oh so good. In between the two bands was Hollis Brown from New York who gave us some Americana love.

School Night

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