Sunday, January 8, 2017

Draemings with Their Your Dreams and Moaning at The Echo

First week of January equals checking out some free music. It was off to The Echo to catch Draemings.

First up was Their Only Dreams. Snyth, Dj, trance. The musician wore a zebra-like outfit, which also covered his head. He played his synth with a finger pointed at the audience. At the end, his friend jumped on stage, filming the last few moments.

Moaning did their Lo Fi sounds. This band shows what bands from The Smell can do.

I've followed Kimi Recor through three different bands. One, I saw just once at Silverlake Jubilee. The other, Black Flamingo, I saw a number of times. Then the band called it quits. Recently, I saw Kimi re-emerge, seeing her at venues such as Resident. I know Draemings has been around for a bit, but I just made the connection and had to go catch their set. I'm so happy I did.

Draemings Jan 2016

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