Thursday, September 17, 2015

King Walrus & the Magicians, Messenger and Winter Break at Pehrspace

It was off to Pehrspace to catch some Razorcake bands. King Walrus & the Magicians was playing as I walked into the stage area. Their sound reminded me of a local favorite The Mo odds. What really got me going was that after looking into the band later I learned that they came in from San Luis Obispo. I graduated from Cal Poly SLO. I even noticed that they played at the Cal Poly radio station.

Next up was Messenger. For some reason, I swear I've seen this female led band before. Or maybe I saw her as a special guest of another band. She paces across the stage with swagger. A friend would join between songs to provide a quick respite. Hey, I handed a bottle of water to the lead singer. I felt like part of the band.

Winter Break ended the night for me. The crowd came up close. When the band encouraged them to come closer, they moved in even closer. Close enough where I found it hard to take any photos. Their fan base took various times singing along with the band. It was a thrilling way to end the night.
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