Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Movie Review: Beasts of the Southern Wild

Beasts of the Southern Wild. This movie focuses in on Hushpuppy (Quvenzhané Wallis) and her father, Wink (Dwight Henry). They live on an island called Bathtub, which is off the coast of New Orleans (or close enough). They are in front (behind?) the levees and so when a massive storm hits the water floods the island and doesn't drain away.  Their lifestyle is essentially ruined.

I know that critics love this movie and that's why I went to see it, but I didn't really like it.  First, I couldn't help but think:  why are these folks living in conditions like this, absolute squalor.  I understand that there are many folks in America who are very poor, but there is no need to live in an area like this.  Second, Hushpuppy has fantasies of ancient creatures called aurochs.  Doing a little Internet search, these were domesticated cattle, but this movie deals with these creatures before such domestication.  I just wasn't into seeing a version of Where the Wild Things Are.  Third, is there really a point to this movie?  Yes, the daughter loves her father who is both distant and nearing his death bed.  I just didn't feel emotionally invested in the situation.

Sorry, I know that critics loved this movie and I feel bad for coming out on the other side, but so it is.

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